Leadership programs

Embark on an immersive journey to discover your true potential

Are you ready to discover the true meaning of leadership, to uncover your unique leadership essence and to thrive alongside like-minded leaders on their own transformative journeys? 

In all leadership programs offered, self-discovery is an important ingredient.
It allows you to expand your self-awareness, acting as a guiding light on your professional and personal journey forward.

Through the design expertise of developmental journeys, you will experience an environment that fosters growth, inspiration and transformation, as you build meaningful connections with fellow participants. 

Embark on a transformative leadership journey that beings with you and has the potential to reshape entire systems. Discover the new leader within.

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Leadership programs

Embark on an immersive journey to discover your true potential

Are you ready to discover the true meaning of leadership, to uncover your unique leadership essence and to thrive alongside like-minded leaders on their own transformative journeys?

In all leadership programs offered, self-discovery is an important ingredient. It allows you to expand your self-awareness, acting as a guiding light on your professional and personal journey forward.

Through the design of the journeys, you will experience an environment that fosters growth, inspiration and transformation, as you build meaningful connections with fellow participants.

Embark on a transformative leadership journey that beings with you and has the potential to reshape entire systems. Discover the new leader within.

Leadership programs

Ignite your Leadership from Within

These programs are designed as transformational journeys to allow you to navigate the complexities of leadership in today’s dynamic world with new outward focused skills and deep inward focused insights. Don’t just be a leader – be an exceptional leader in work and life. There is always a next level.

Leadership Development Intensive

3-day experiential and immersive journey with like-minded leaders.

Take yourself to new heights by looking within. 

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Leadership Training Days

1-day thematic exploration of leadership insights and practices.

Expand your leadership perspective and toolkit.

Leadership Development Intensive

3-day experiential and immersive journey with like-minded leaders

Leadership – just as life – is a journey. As you evolve as a leader, leadership becomes less about what you do and becomes more about how you show up, engage and interact. Your cognitive intelligence will now be a given, where self-awareness and emotional intelligence will make the real difference in your leadership effectiveness.

As you progress on your leadership journey, you will witness its expansion from the individual (I) to the collective (WE) and its impact on larger systems (IT). This evolution requires a deep understanding of your unique essence as a leader, going beyond the limitations of job titles and work contexts. Leadership becomes a way of life, where your personal story merges with your leadership story, empowering you to actively shape the next chapter of your journey.

While your journey is personal, you don’t need to go at it alone. The Leadership Development Intensive offers a supportive and collaborative environment, uniting you with other leaders on their own transformative journey. You didn’t come this far to only come this far.
Discover the new leader within.

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Leadership Training Days

1-day thematic exploration of leadership insights and practices

Your leadership practices are fuelled by your skillset as well as your mindset. Your behaviour is rooted in beliefs. To truly transform your leadership, it is essential to examine your inner beliefs. Explore what is true for you at present and add new insights, practices and experiences to your toolbox.

Leadership is not a solitary endeavour; it thrives within a social context. It is a journey you can consciously embark on. It requires learning about yourself and with others. It involves understanding, exploration, practice and experimentation to allow yourself to learn. 

The Leadership Training Days adopt a thematic approach based on the expressed needs of today’s leaders. Through an interactive and experiential day, we delve into these themes, ensuring collective learning with all participants and personal meaning for each participant.
Fuel yourself for your next leap.

Multiple themes offered

Elevate your leadership through an immersive experience where you will gain new insights, ideas and inspiration.

Authentic leadership
Discover your leadership essence

Team leadership
Empower your team and master dynamics

Change leadership
Lead from vision and collaborate for impact

"True leadership transformation starts from within. It's an intentional journey of self-discovery where we get to know ourselves, let others know us, and want to get to know others. In business, everything meaningful, impactful and enduring is fundamentally human. By recognising and embracing the human element, we unlock the potential to create authentic connections, inspire collaboration and drive remarkable success.”

– Miranda Berkhof

What others say

about the Leadership Development Intensive

about the Leadership Training Days

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